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Lampasas High School

Lampasas High School

Dual Credit with Ranger College

What is Dual Credit?

What is Dual Credit?

Dual-credit courses through Ranger College taken at Lampasas High School are an affordable way for high school students to get a jump start on their future. Students take college courses that simultaneously move them towards both high school graduation and a college degree or certification.



1 - You must verify you have ACT/SAT/TSI Score that meets admission requirements





945+/5+Essay OR 910+/5+diag/5+Essay

950+ OR 6 diag




ACT (composite 23+)




2 - Complete and turn in Parent Permission Form to Counseling Center

     (Due to Ranger’s admission deadlines – new students enrolling in the district will not be able to take dual credit classes until the following semester)


3 - Complete Ranger college's application (you will need SSN) Students must Apply to Ranger 


4 - Request Electronic Transcript to be sent via TREX from LHS to Ranger College


5 - Complete the LHS Google Form so that LISD can enroll you in the dual credit courses

The cost of Dual Credit is at a rate of $55 per credit hour -- most classes are 3 to 4 hours a semester -- and is the responsibility of the student, unless the student qualifies for free or reduced lunch. Please see Dr. Byrd for details.